


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ge) and two phases of the cell cycle (G1 and S phase entry).
2 ciation of CDC6 and cyclin E, and a delay in S phase entry.
3 c fibroblasts (MEF) accelerates G(0)/G(1) to S phase entry.
4  of cell cycle due to its ability to promote S phase entry.
5  effect of cicaprost on p27(Kip1) levels and S phase entry.
6 osis but does not inhibit E2F activation and S phase entry.
7 ts, whereas in cells lacking p53 it promotes S phase entry.
8 int, which allows time for DNA repair before S phase entry.
9 zoans a role for Cdc6 has only been shown in S phase entry.
10 gradation by the proteasome was required for S phase entry.
11 n and was linked to Rap's ability to promote S phase entry.
12 s suggest that HDHB function is required for S phase entry.
13  D1, that may underlie its role in promoting S phase entry.
14  inactivation of Rb-dependent repression and S phase entry.
15  is insufficient to enable K cyclin-mediated S phase entry.
16 as a second independent function that limits S phase entry.
17 ng to its inactivation and thereby promoting S phase entry.
18 during transition of G1, and higher rates of S phase entry.
19  and continued to require c-myc function for S phase entry.
20  caused an even more dramatic advancement of S phase entry.
21 brogation of the 1,25D3-induced block to the S phase entry.
22 are essential for cyclin E-CDK2 activity and S phase entry.
23 ion of any vector alone had little effect on S phase entry.
24 finity threshold for triggering human B cell S phase entry.
25  all cell cycle phases, and caused premature S phase entry.
26 -induced immediate early gene expression and S phase entry.
27  monoubiquitination and UV DNA repair before S phase entry.
28 iting roles in restriction point passage and S phase entry.
29 m-1 is able to cooperate with Skp2 to signal S phase entry.
30 phase induction of cyclin D1 associated with S phase entry.
31 nding site, thereby inhibiting serum-induced S phase entry.
32       Cdh1 has been implicated in regulating S phase entry.
33 tracellular tension, Rb phosphorylation, and S phase entry.
34 yclin B degradation to allow MI exit without S phase entry.
35 ssion, down-regulating p130/Rb2 and inducing S phase entry.
36 ly of MAP kinases is a critical regulator of S phase entry.
37 rotein of the SAPS-domain family involved in S-phase entry.
38 n in pre-BII cells associated with decreased S-phase entry.
39 progressed rapidly through G1 with premature S-phase entry.
40  cell cycle progression, including premature S-phase entry.
41 in-null cells with wild-type menin represses S-phase entry.
42  mechanisms of immune activation, leading to S-phase entry.
43 rt, via noncanonical cyclin D1-CDK2-mediated S-phase entry.
44 ene results in upregulation of cyclin D1 and S-phase entry.
45  several years to be important regulators of S-phase entry.
46 nduces sustained ERK activation and promotes S-phase entry.
47 2F-dependent acetylation, transcription, and S-phase entry.
48  was followed by expression of cyclin D1 and S-phase entry.
49  INK4a-induced cell cycle arrest and induces S-phase entry.
50 distribution of the Mcm2-7 helicase prior to S-phase entry.
51 ieved to have an essential role in promoting S-phase entry.
52 s the opposite effects by promoting G(1)- to S-phase entry.
53 cell proliferation as shown by inhibition of S-phase entry.
54  D1(-/-) cells showed reduced PI3K-dependent S-phase entry.
55 cant enhancement of SMC growth via increased S-phase entry.
56 CDK2 by Notch(ic) result in the promotion of S-phase entry.
57 chimeric embryos exhibited extensive ectopic S-phase entry.
58 erative effect of the S10A mutant to promote S-phase entry.
59 an E2F-dependent transcriptional program and S-phase entry.
60 repair the damaged DNA upon injury, prior to S-phase entry.
61 tion of Cdk2 and the subsequent induction of S-phase entry.
62  and the pRb pocket-protein family, suppress S-phase entry.
63 ufficient to drive cyclin D1 accumulation or S-phase entry.
64 0 ng/mL IL3 or SCF prevented such a block in S-phase entry.
65 ry required to ensure the irreversibility of S-phase entry.
66  (PSM)-RB, but not wild-type RB, can inhibit S-phase entry.
67 es plant organs by releasing a constraint on S-phase entry.
68 bstrate of cyclin E-CDK2 and plays a role in S-phase entry.
69 f purified cyclin-Cdks during G1 accelerates S-phase entry.
70 s itself a transcription factor required for S-phase entry.
71 nfirmed the involvement of E2F in IR-induced S-phase entry.
72 inhibited EGF- but no PDGF- or serum-induced S-phase entry.
73 uppressive function and thereby facilitating S-phase entry.
74 and, thereby, participates in the process of S-phase entry.
75 d function of Cdc18, a critical regulator of S-phase entry.
76        JAK2(V617F) has been shown to promote S-phase entry.
77  of Whi3, an RNA-binding protein controlling S-phase entry.
78  exhibit an enhanced proliferation and early S-phase entry.
79 led with the onset of DNA replication during S-phase entry.
80 f mitosis coupled with aberrant licensing of S-phase entry.
81 es so that specific activator E2Fs can drive S-phase entry.
82  RB hyperphosphorylation and delay premature S-phase entry.
83 mediated c-Myc expression and DNA synthetic (S) phase entry.
84 quent release of active E2F, is required for S-phase entry [1-3].
85 n and that this modification correlates with S-phase entry [6-8].
86 esulted in a modest decrease in IL-4-induced S phase entry, a further decrease in cell-cycle completi
87  defective p53/Rb pathways, led to premature S phase entry, acute depletion of Cdh1 in primary human
88 of p27Kip1 by small interfering RNA promoted S phase entry after IL-7 withdrawal.
89  a substantial ( approximately 6-h) delay in S-phase entry after serum stimulation.
90 troduced by cytomegalovirus infection blocks S-phase entry after serum stimulation.
91                                         Both S phase entry and activation of cyclin/CDKs were inhibit
92                                              S phase entry and cell cycle commitment in peripheral T
93 2 RNAi seems to protect cells from premature S phase entry and crisis in DNA replication.
94 al role for these regulators in GPC1-induced S phase entry and DNA rereplication.
95 program of gene expression which accompanies S phase entry and DNA synthesis declines to levels that
96 80 alone and observed a significant delay in S phase entry and fork progression but little effect on
97 imultaneous loss of Mcm10 and p180 inhibited S phase entry and led to an accumulation of already repl
98 ates at the G1/S boundary, where it promotes S phase entry and progression by activating Cdk2.
99 iploid cells, particularly those involved in S phase entry and progression.
100 combine with and activate cdk2 to facilitate S phase entry and progression.
101                                     Even so, S phase entry and proliferation are not increased in Cas
102 ncing cyclin D3 by RNA interference inhibits S phase entry and sensitizes breast cancer cells to TRAI
103 suggest that DMP1 induces genes that inhibit S phase entry and that D-type cyclins can override DMP1-
104 gen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK3beta) induces S phase entry and thereby mitotic clonal expansion (MCE)
105 MP is mitogenic leads to an increase in G(1)/S phase entry and tumor formation.
106 hibit a 70-80% reduction in IGF-1-stimulated S-phase entry and a parallel decrease in the induction o
107                            The inhibition of S-phase entry and activity of the cyclin D1-dependent se
108 ce lacking p57(Kip2) exhibited inappropriate S-phase entry and apoptotic nuclei were found in the reg
109 ion of all three proteins resulted in forced S-phase entry and attenuation of checkpoint activation,
110 ugh G1 cyclin-Cdk complexes are required for S-phase entry and can shorten G1 phase when overexpresse
111 ponsible for a major G1 checkpoint, blocking S-phase entry and cell growth.
112 ically, ATX-LPA1 signaling acts by promoting S-phase entry and cell proliferation of chondrocytes bot
113      The transcription factor E2F-1 promotes S-phase entry and death in transformed cells and primary
114 his lowers the level of cyclin E1 needed for S-phase entry and delays cyclin E1 proteolysis during S-
115                       Cdc25A is required for S-phase entry and dephosphorylates tyrosine-15 phosphory
116  replication-coupled destruction during both S-phase entry and DNA repair; Cdt1 is destroyed first, w
117 ol expression of several genes essential for S-phase entry and DNA replication.
118 acute effect of Men1 mutation is accelerated S-phase entry and enhanced cell proliferation in pancrea
119                p21 deletion also accelerated S-phase entry and enhanced transformation rates in tripl
120      Cyclin E is a G(1) cyclin essential for S-phase entry and has a profound role in oncogenesis.
121 s (K-rasV12) into quiescent PDECs stimulates S-phase entry and induces a pronounced increase in cell
122 s smooth muscle cell (SMC) proliferation and S-phase entry and inhibits transcription of the cell-cyc
123 revious observations, NICD(OE) also inhibits S-phase entry and Ki67 expression and thus reduces the p
124 defects in cell-cycle progression (delays in S-phase entry and metaphase exit) and chromosome condens
125 r studies have suggested that CDK2 regulates S-phase entry and progression, and frequently shows incr
126 e and became immortal but displayed enhanced S-phase entry and proliferation rates similar to wild ty
127                     ORC1 deficiency perturbs S-phase entry and S-phase progression.
128 e precise timing of E2F1 expression dictates S-phase entry and that accurate timing of E2F1 accumulat
129 th Swi4-t and found that there is precocious S-phase entry and that the length of S phase is extended
130 gion on Cdc34p; this region is essential for S-phase entry and thus the association of these three pr
131          Cyclin A is required for cell cycle S phase entry, and its overexpression contributes to tum
132  by a decreased proliferation rate, impaired S phase entry, and premature senescence.
133 or STAT5 phosphorylation, mediated efficient S phase entry, and promoted cell-cycle progression.
134 rating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), prior to S phase entry, and upregulate beta1 integrin.
135 uding transcriptional activity, induction of S-phase entry, and apoptosis.
136                     LR gene products inhibit S-phase entry, and binding of the LR protein (LRP) to cy
137 cleus in the presence of high serum, impeded S-phase entry, and induced apoptosis in a dose-dependent
138  as stimulated G1 cyclin mRNAs and proteins, S-phase entry, and proliferation without affecting cell
139  that G1 Cdk activation is rate-limiting for S-phase entry, and that Cdk activation is likely to be t
140           Overexpression of NPAT accelerates S-phase entry, and this effect is enhanced by coexpressi
141 ls, roughly corresponding to the time before S-phase entry, and was poorly induced in T cells express
142 e induction of cyclin A is also required for S-phase entry, and we now report that distinct effects o
143 ation of the G(1)/S checkpoint and increased S phase entry, apparently by activating the mitogen-inde
144 the ultimate downstream target as related to S-phase entry appears to be pRb.
145 th arrest and disables checkpoints governing S-phase entry as well as apoptosis in HMECs immortalized
146 n conjunction with cyclin E, participates in S-phase entry as well.
147 yc)D2, a G(1) cyclin implicated in mediating S phase entry, as a potential regulator of hypertrophic
148 U20S cells rescued G1 arrest and resulted in S-phase entry, as measured by the ability to incorporate
149 sed clonogenicity and viability, facilitated S-phase entry, attenuation of apoptosis, formation of tr
150 ed in only a modest decrease in IL-4-induced S phase entry, but a total block of cell-cycle completio
151 ntry is regulated in an analogous fashion to S phase entry, but involves a distinct cyclin/cdk combin
152 th this hypothesis, pRB's ability to prevent S phase entry, but not its ability to inhibit S phase co
153  CSF-1R (Y809F) rescued c-Myc expression and S phase entry, but only in the presence of CSF-1-induced
154            Cdh1 ablation promotes precocious S-phase entry, but it was unclear how this affects DNA r
155                           p21(cip1) inhibits S phase entry by binding to cyclin-cdk2 (cyclin-dependen
156                      SBF is inactivated upon S-phase entry by Clb/CDK whereas MBF targets are repress
157 n vestibular epithelia elevated cAMP induces S-phase entry by increasing the number of growth factor
158 -beta1 treatment in late G(1) acutely blocks S-phase entry by inhibiting activation of fully assemble
159 created by CRL4(Cdt2), promotes irreversible S-phase entry by keeping p21 levels low, preventing prem
160                                  Accelerated S-phase entry by proliferating R2LivKO hepatocytes coinc
161 an induce the DDR by promoting inappropriate S phase entry, by modifying cellular DDR factors directl
162  defects in mitotic chromosome alignment and S-phase entry characteristic of cyclin E overexpression.
163  transcription-coupled export do not exhibit S phase entry defects or sensitivity to DIA2 expression
164 c HCT116p53(-/-) cells, including unhindered S-phase entry despite DNA damage.
165            Deletion of PrdxII increased ROI, S phase entry, division, and death during in vitro divis
166 cyclin E and dE2F are critical regulators of S-phase entry during Drosophila embryogenesis.
167  localized to the centrosome and accelerated S phase entry even with mutations that abolish Cdk2 bind
168 NA damage checkpoint and may thereby prevent S-phase entry even when cyclin E-CDK2 activity is deregu
169 ng 4pX-1 cells display pX-dependent G(1) and S phase entry, followed by S phase pause and absence of
170 (U73122) also block cyclin D2 expression and S phase entry following BCR stimulation, as well as trig
171 SH2 fusion protein could inhibit EGF-induced S-phase entry for up to 8 h after EGF addition.
172 ls by expression of antisense p27 allows for S-phase entry from quiescence in NIH 3T3 cells expressin
173  p53-deficient cultures exhibiting increased S-phase entry, giant nuclei, multinucleation, multipolar
174                                     Prior to S-phase entry, glucose metabolism shifts from primarily
175 /6 inhibitors that enable alternate means of S-phase entry, highlighting strategies to prevent the ac
176 NPAT) in these domains occurs at the time of S-phase entry, histone locus bodies are formed approxima
177                    In addition, AML1 induces S phase entry in 32Dcl3 myeloid or Ba/F3 lymphoid cells
178 mal-targeting domain essential for promoting S phase entry in a Cdk2-independent manner.
179 rcumventing host cell cycle control to force S phase entry in an otherwise quiescent cell.
180            Neither BCL-x(L) nor BCL2 delayed S phase entry in cells deficient in p27, thus p27 is req
181 F or the E2F-regulated cyclin E gene promote S phase entry in cells expressing phosphorylation-defect
182 ate substantial re-replication within 1 h of S phase entry in cells overproducing the replication fac
183 ate significant suppression of apoptosis and S phase entry in certain tissues compared to Rb mutants,
184                     BRLF1 expression induced S phase entry in contact-inhibited fibroblasts and in th
185 mutant can partially restore MCM loading and S phase entry in cyclin E-null cells.
186  differentiation was insufficient to promote S phase entry in either of the situations where ebi muta
187 tein (pRB) and may mediate pRB regulation of S phase entry in mammalian cells.
188  fundamental role in promoting Ras-dependent S phase entry in mammary epithelial cells, whether in re
189 clin D1 levels by RNA interference inhibited S phase entry in melanoma cells.
190                                 We show that S phase entry in NHEM requires both adhesion and growth
191                     Skp2 knock down inhibits S phase entry in nontransformed mouse embryonic fibrobla
192 p16(INK4a) and resulted in the inhibition of S phase entry in p21/p27-null MEFs.
193 ne expression but are insufficient to induce S phase entry in primary T cells.
194 K/ERK pathway to induce c-Myc expression and S phase entry in response to CSF-1 stimulation.
195 sion of D1/T286A in B lymphocytes results in S phase entry in resting lymphocytes and increased apopt
196 ation of lin-35 Rb, efl-1, or lin-36 allowed S phase entry in the absence of cyd-1/cdk-4 and increase
197 n Balb/c-3T3 fibroblasts failed to stimulate S phase entry in the absence of plasma-derived progressi
198  G1 progression and enables cells to sustain S phase entry in the absence of serum growth factors.
199 xpression of proteins that control the G1 to S phase entry in the cell cycle.
200 biting extensive apoptosis and inappropriate S phase entry in the central and peripheral nervous syst
201  more effective in suppressing the premature S phase entry in the MF, reducing the dosage of stg is m
202  IgM:ligand affinity threshold for eliciting S phase entry in the presence of IL-4.
203 in, can prevent DNA replication in vitro and S phase entry in vivo.
204 la and show that analogous pathways regulate S-phase entry in a diverse range of species.
205 ction is required for Rb phosphorylation and S-phase entry in cancer cells.
206 ls from entering S phase, it does not affect S-phase entry in cells lacking functional RB, implying t
207 show that the expression of NPAT accelerates S-phase entry in cells released from quiescence.
208 eta2 and TGF-beta2 in aqueous humor suppress S-phase entry in cultured rat corneal endothelial cells,
209                             RB loss promoted S-phase entry in DCX(+) cells and increased apoptosis in
210                    The p16 peptide inhibited S-phase entry in five cell lines tested, varying between
211 OG, a master transcription factor, regulates S-phase entry in human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) via
212 evels of asbestos (<0.5 microg/cm2) promoted S-phase entry in low (2%) serum through an epidermal gro
213 es during the G(1)/S-phase transition and in S-phase entry in mammalian cells.
214                       The p16 peptide blocks S-phase entry in non-synchronized human HaCaT cells by a
215 her Rb phosphorylation is a prerequisite for S-phase entry in Rb-deficient SAOS-2 osteosarcoma cells,
216 gous-targeted disruption leads to a delay in S-phase entry in serum-stimulated mouse embryo fibroblas
217  and birds, the loss of hair cells can evoke S-phase entry in supporting cells and the production of
218 s believed to be the principal constraint on S-phase entry in T cells.
219 a T-cell transcription factor that regulates S-phase entry in T-cells.
220 e CNS, PNS, and lens underwent inappropriate S-phase entry in the conditional mutants at E13.5.
221 cle arrest of specified cells and antagonize S-phase entry in the SMW.
222  binding to CD44 antagonizes mitogen-induced S-phase entry in vascular smooth muscle cells; we now ch
223 on with a GATA-6 expression vector inhibited S-phase entry in VSMCs and in mouse embryonic fibroblast
224  transcription factors triggers irreversible S-phase entry in yeast and metazoans, but why this occur
225 d early G(1) cell-cycle progression, but not S-phase entry, in opposition to the cyclin-dependent kin
226 r in RING finger domain, promotes cell cycle S phase entry independent of p53.
227  WAF1/Cip1-dependent pathway but may control S-phase entry independent of p21.
228 ate E2F transactivation activity and promote S-phase entry independent of p53, yet the mechanism of w
229  p220NPAT, and in addition, p220 can promote S-phase entry independently of histone transcriptional a
230 at mTOR activation is required for efficient S-phase entry, independently of E2F activation, in adeno
231                                          The S-phase entry induced by forskolin was blocked by monens
232 s of post-replicative H3K27me3 or preventing S phase entry inhibited recruitment of new TFs to DNA an
233 and p130, much of E2F-mediated repression of S phase entry is dependent upon Rb.
234 t of cicaprost on cyclin E-Cdk2 activity and S phase entry is eliminated by deleting p27(Kip1).
235                  Third, we demonstrated that S phase entry is not sufficient for activation of HSV-TK
236                             This accelerated S-phase entry is accompanied by increased cyclin-depende
237                 Cdk2 is a major regulator of S phase entry, is activated by mitogenic cytokines, and
238  encodes a transcription factor required for S phase entry, is repressed through a promoter E2F site
239 nged and continuous PDGF exposure results in S-phase entry many hours after the initial burst of acti
240 how that codepletion of FoxM1 inhibits early S phase entry observed in Cdh1-depleted cells.
241 eriments, BrdU incorporation as a marker for S-phase entry occurs at a higher level in transiently tr
242 ponsive reporter, a 42% decrease in the mean S phase entry of growth-arrested (G[0]) cells after seru
243  In the postnatal subventricular zone (SVZ), S phase entry of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) correlat
244 ystems (PNS) and is associated with abnormal S phase entry of normally post-mitotic neurons.
245 YC-ERTM in WI38 cells is sufficient to cause S phase entry of quiescent cells, which is preceded by p
246 with the progression factor A-Myb to promote S phase entry of quiescent smooth muscle cells.
247 b abolished growth of KS cells by preventing S phase entry of the cell cycle, even in the presence of
248  fact that A1, unlike Bcl-2, did not inhibit S-phase entry of activated cells.
249         Interestingly, Kv1.3 block inhibited S-phase entry of both purified OPs in culture and in tis
250        Engagement of beta1-integrins blocked S-phase entry of CD34(+) cells in the absence of IL3 or
251 es unscheduled origin firing and accelerates S-phase entry of cells in the absence of p53.
252 es expression of cyclin D2 and A and hastens S-phase entry of cells.
253 t functions, or, alternatively, they control S-phase entry of different cell types in a tissue-specif
254        miR-221 overexpression leads to rapid S-phase entry of hepatocytes during liver regeneration.
255    HDL and its associated apo, APOE, inhibit S-phase entry of murine aortic smooth muscle cells.
256                      Thus, the inappropriate S-phase entry of p300 down-regulated cells is likely to
257 eta2 and TGF-beta2 in aqueous humor suppress S-phase entry of rat corneal endothelial cells.
258 e protein activated by cAMP (EPAC), enhances S-phase entry of SCs by synergistically enhancing the li
259                    Strikingly, the timing of S-phase entry or exit is not delayed in dDP mutant clone
260 have asked whether Cdc7 is only required for S-phase entry or if it plays a role during S phase in or
261 tivation of PKA was not sufficient to induce S-phase entry or the activation of either ErbB2 or ErbB3
262 ermore, Id3a fails to promote SMC growth and S-phase entry or to inhibit p21(Cip1) promoter transacti
263                                         Upon S phase entry, Orc1 is ubiquitinated and targeted for de
264 ring signalling and the Estrogen-mediated G1/S phase entry pathways were found upregulated.
265 h and parallel decreases in IGF-1-stimulated S-phase entry, PI 3-kinase activity, and induction of th
266 is regulated by inputs that normally control S phase entry, possibly as a quality control mechanism t
267 -ER in NIH-3T3 cells resulted in accelerated S phase entry, proliferation in low serum, morphological
268                      Cdk2AF caused premature S-phase entry, rapid cyclin E degradation, abnormal DNA
269 ivation caused only a transient delay in the S phase entry rather than a sustained G1 arrest.
270  al. show that E2F1, a positive regulator of S phase entry, recruits cofactor HCF-1 and associated hS
271 ent kinase (CDK) inhibitor roscovitine after S-phase entry reduced MVM replication, suggesting that C
272 n CRE occupancy, cyclin E-cdk2 activity, and S phase entry, suggesting the involvement of Gi signalin
273 escue the impact of NANOG down-regulation on S-phase entry, suggesting that CDK6 and CDC25A are downs
274 nt, D1-T156A, to inhibit Wnt1/MEK1-dependent S-phase entry suggests that cyclin D1 is a critical down
275  those produced by E2F-1 alone and can drive S-phase entry that is resistant to p21 and independent o
276 wth factor deprivation and induce precocious S-phase entry, thereby triggering cell death.
277 by inhibiting CDK2 activity and forestalling S phase entry through retinoblastoma protein hypophospho
278 inant for this activity and induces aberrant S-phase entry through the inactivation of the retinoblas
279 estriction point but does not interfere with S phase entry under continuous serum stimulation.
280 ich leads to early G1 arrest and synchronous S-phase entry upon release of the G1 block, we have deve
281                      Strikingly, blockade of S phase entry using the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in
282   Blockade of Ras-induced CDK-2 activity and S phase entry via overexpression of p27 inhibited apopto
283                               The E7-induced S phase entry was accompanied by an increase in the acti
284 activation of the G1 cell cycle proteins and S phase entry was linked with apoptosis, we examined hom
285 U incorporation was robust but the timing of S-phase entry was delayed.
286 was induced in these cells, serum-stimulated S-phase entry was significantly inhibited.
287  to the cytoplasm and arresting cells before S-phase entry, we hypothesized that ARF might also inhib
288                   Target gene activation and S-phase entry were also blocked by DN E2F1.
289 ellular signaling pathways that underlie the S-phase entry were surveyed by culturing epithelia in th
290 re, nor mechanical tension had any effect on S phase entry when added at later times.
291 ication complexes (pre-RCs) to acutely block S-phase entry when added to cells in late G(1), after mo
292 that Rb phosphorylation is not essential for S-phase entry when G1 cyclin-Cdks are overexpressed, and
293 did not require serum for cdk2 activation or S phase entry whereas loss of the related cdk2 inhibitor
294 d with enhanced signaling and more efficient S phase entry, whereas accelerating receptor degradation
295 erexpression of wild-type PKD3 also promoted S phase entry, whereas depletion of endogenous PKD3 resu
296  cyclin A accumulation in G1 and accelerated S phase entry, whereas USP37 knockdown delayed these eve
297  of the G1 phase of the cell cycle and early S phase entry, which leads to hyperproliferation.
298 t centrosomal duplication is an indicator of S phase entry while centrosome migration marks mitotic e
299 ssion accelerates G(1) phase progression and S phase entry with concomitant DNA replication.
300 iod, to increase the probability that cancer S-phase entries would coincide with drug exposure, which

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