


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd another assessing a milder or even normal grief reaction.
2  and 3) a family witness displaying an overt grief reaction.
3 Separation from loved ones commonly leads to grief reactions.
4       Another group (30.8%) showed increased grief reactions 9 months after the death, which graduall
5                                              Grief reactions abate over time for most children and ad
6 o adults, adolescents experience a traumatic grief reaction after exposure to a peer's suicide.
7 on the course of children's and adolescents' grief reactions after sudden parental death and the effe
8 ld be alerted to the occurrence of traumatic grief reactions among adolescents and the need to assess
9 ed in two factors: one assessing a traumatic grief reaction and another assessing a milder or even no
10 wed: anticipatory grief, acute grief, normal grief reactions, and complicated grief.
11      Children and adolescents with prolonged grief reactions had higher rates of previous personal hi
12  Such efforts also should assess and address grief reactions in the surviving parent.
13  distinguish between normal and pathological grief reactions in their bereaved patients, and how to m
14                        Despite this finding, grief reactions in this group also were associated with
15                 Some prolonged and turbulent grief reactions include symptoms that differ from the DS
16 oup, which consisted of 10.4% of the sample, grief reactions showed no change 33 months after death.
17               Three distinct trajectories of grief reactions were observed in the study participants.
18 wever, a subset shows increased or prolonged grief reactions, which in turn increases the risk of fun

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