


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 7'-O-beta-D-glycopyranoside with the simpler name of 7-hydroxyoxindole-3-acetic acid-glucoside.
2       Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q) is the generic name of a class of lipid-soluble electron carriers forme
3 r factor of activated T cells (NF-AT) is the name of a family of four related transcription factors t
4 specific cross-reacting antigen (NCA) is the name of a family of highly glycosylated bacterial-bindin
5 etRNA2 takes the sequence of an sRNA and the name of a sequenced bacterial replicon.
6 gi, are based on type specimens to which the name of a taxon is permanently attached.
7                                 However, the naming of a human population in public databases and sci
8     This is the first description and formal naming of a novel Helicobacter species from a marine mam
9 terface can be effectively used to find full names of abbreviations and to disambiguate user queries.
10 yze three large datasets containing the last names of all academics in Italy, researchers from France
11 erms used in the MEDLINE search included the names of all autoimmune liver diseases, viral hepatitis
12 to the kidney exchange paired recipient, the naming of alternative recipients, and the potential to u
13                            Few collected the name of an existing primary care physician (14 [23%]) or
14 ted activity occurred when subjects read the names of, and answered questions about, animals and tool
15             Participants saw photographs and names of animals, plants, and foods that were previously
16      The parser can be applied to scientific names of any complexity.
17 the past two decades, particularly after the naming of Australopithecus bahrelghazali and Kenyanthrop
18                                 We study the names of babies born in the United States from 1910 to 2
19      We aim to automatically extract species names of bacteria and their locations from webpages.
20 f this Perspective originally published, the name of co-author Paul de Figueiredo was incorrect.
21 (of printed nonwords); (3) rapid automatized naming (of colored squares or object drawings); (4) sing
22                                          The naming of colors has long been a topic of interest in th
23 suggest that universal processes control the naming of colors.
24 ts is becoming increasingly prevalent in the name of cost containment.
25 colors) and one semantic structure (based on names) of eight basic chromatic colors were obtained fro
26 aradoxes) associated, respectively, with the names of Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) and with Sc
27                               Retrieving the names of friends, loved ones, and famous people is a fun
28  web site allows the retrieval of synonymous names of given protein entries and the identification of
29                   Thus, we have assigned the name of Hal (heme-acquisition leucine-rich repeat protei
30  a Hrp-secreted protein, we have changed the name of hrmA to hopPsyA to reflect that it encodes a Hrp
31 e and unintended consequence of the gendered naming of hurricanes, with important implications for po
32 ble to work with nested structures as in the names of hybrids.
33 oximately 1000 years ago, a physician by the name of Ibn Sina, known in the West as "Avicenna," wrote
34 teins based primarily on the analysis of the names of individual proteins in the genome annotation of
35  their fields and their association with the names of individual scientists, few know the detailed st
36 nts were searched using general keywords and names of industry consultants and scientists.
37 Broca-like brain region (HVC, a letter-based name) of juvenile and adult zebra finch males, independe
38 opyridinium ring, we assigned it the trivial name of K2P.
39  catalyze the completion of a Catalog of the Names of Known Organisms and will develop search engines
40 cally relies on large databases (n > 500,000 names) of known name-ethnicity associations.
41 ilors in a study, an officer on board by the name of Lind evaluated six potential treatments for scur
42       Vigorous taxonomic research led to the naming of many new species, revisions, and checklists, b
43 ic locus details, such as numbers, types and names of mapped/anchored objects displayed in a compact
44 s of abuses of human rights committed in the name of medical science or the state is an important mec
45 are about to lead to dramatic changes in the naming of medically important molds and yeasts.
46 ical school graduation when training begins, name of national oversight organisation(s), in-country o
47 lor naming of threat words than during color naming of neutral words.
48 s of odors previously presented (targets) or names of new odors (foils), while being scanned at 3 T.
49                   We tested oral and written naming of nouns and verbs, matched in difficulty, in pat
50 ss and modality, significantly more impaired naming of nouns versus verbs and significantly more impa
51 uinoline (3c) (also a natural product by the name of O-methylcorypalline), displayed submicromolar bi
52 ith postsemantic anomia, who could write the names of objects she could not verbalize.
53 ist of object pairs in the scanner while the names of objects were simultaneously presented either in
54 then tested for retrieval with words, either names of odors previously presented (targets) or names o
55 query the TimeTree resource by providing two names of organisms (common or scientific) that can corre
56                                          The names of organisms have major impacts on the geopolitica
57 ser to specify a list of human genes and the names of other species of interest.
58 's own first name in contrast to hearing the names of others.
59 pecific to one's own name in relation to the names of others.
60 etect identity deception (by using the first names of participants) with a 100% hit rate (at an alpha
61 word-finding difficulty, especially with the names of people, but no problems with his memory for rec
62 here lesions can be associated with impaired naming of people regardless of modality (e.g., picture o
63 esentation of unique entities such as proper names of peoples and places.
64 ion that ensures immunity has been given the name of 'phagocytosis'".
65  of plant pathology and the communication of names of plant pathogens will rest.
66                           We have designated names of PLDbeta for this PIP2-dependent PLD and PLDalph
67 in Nomenclature is a database that lists the names of prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) that have be
68 nclature (LPSN) is a database that lists the names of prokaryotes (Bacteria and Archaea) that have be
69 clature for ribosomal proteins, based on the names of protein families, has been proposed.
70 e-readable formats and can be queried by the names of proteins they contain or by their enriched biol
71                                          The naming of real objects was found to have improved, altho
72 enus within Caliciviridae, with the proposed name of Recovirus.
73 ce to justify delaying climate action in the name of reducing technological costs.
74 e gap moons Pan and Daphnis (the provisional name of S/2005 S1), which have sizes of several kilometr
75  them, compound 2-c which was given chemical name of S17, has been successfully screened out as the m
76 n-modification (RM) system given the generic name of Sau1, which maintains different patterns of meth
77 , using medical subject headings such as the names of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and oth
78 functional similarities, we have changed the name of sglA to pilQ.
79                        Based on the previous naming of similar enzymes, we have redubbed FAM86A and Y
80                        Based on the previous naming of similar enzymes, we suggest the renaming of hu
81 activity in the premotor nucleus HVC (proper name) of singing Bengalese finches in response to feedba
82 rent tasks that assessed the recognition and naming of six basic emotions from facial expressions.
83                                          The names of some of the laminae and fiber tracts were also
84 d pharmacokinetics of Methacholine Chloride (name of study drug: SK-1211) in order to get approved fo
85 no data by sequence of morpholino or target, name of target, anatomical structure affected and defect
86  identity of each subunit, plus hierarchical naming of taxa and coloring are included.
87 e produced color sensations according to the name of the base pitch class, e.g., a reddish color for
88 he new classification profoundly affects the name of the disease.
89 lant sterol species is sitosterol; hence the name of the disorder.
90 at conceptual knowledge and knowledge of the name of the emotion draw on neuroanatomically separable
91                    Thus, we propose that the name of the enzyme encoded by MA4384 be CmtA (for cytopl
92  of nuclear receptors, and the basis for the name of the family, is that their transcriptional activi
93 re extracted from the original articles: the name of the first author and publication year, subjects
94      In the AOP version of this article, the name of the fourth author was misspelled as W K Cavanee
95 r multidisciplinary studies should be in the name of the group of investigators collaborating on the
96                    We recommend changing the name of the milk-alkali syndrome to the calcium-alkali s
97 ncestor of all extant life is presented; the name of the model derives from its resemblance to physic
98  for screening colonoscopy; it mentioned the name of the patient's primary care physician and encoura
99 phonologically related to either the English name of the picture or the Spanish name of the picture t
100 e English name of the picture or the Spanish name of the picture than when picture and distractor wor
101 n word (the prime) that could be the correct name of the picture, a noun belonging to the same semant
102 isordered protein, the database includes the name of the protein, various aliases, accession codes, a
103 uthorship (listing individual names plus the name of the research group), and 50 (18%) had named auth
104 nals should require that authors include the name of the species being studied in the title or abstra
105 esearch articles in biology reveals that the name of the species being studied is not mentioned in th
106                               The scientific name of the species must be indicated on commercial prod
107 d levels, the numbers reported, and even the name of the test.
108                                              Name of the trial registry: TAYSIDE trial (Metformin in
109 , private whistle-blowers may, acting in the name of the United States, file suit against an entity u
110 ytotherapy, and alternative medicine and the names of the 16 most commonly used herbal medications.
111                     For each, we entered the names of the 8 most widely used herbal supplements (gink
112              Barnase and barstar are trivial names of the extracellular RNase and its intracellular i
113                       These features include names of the host/pathogen organisms and corresponding p
114 fied through a MEDLINE search done using the names of the intestinal spore-forming protozoa.
115                                   The common names of the pesticides studied are 2,4-D, atrazine, chl
116 and carcinoembryonic antigen, as well as the names of the specific tests.
117 e left visual field were not affected by the names of the target and distractor colors.
118 arch results show the genome coordinates and names of the tRNAs the sequence may derive from, and the
119         Some 100 y after the description and naming of the first vitamin, this conference on the stat
120 ae is a significantly reduced CNS, hence the naming of the gene as smallminded.
121                             Relying on brand names of therapy can be misleading.
122                                          The naming of these HLA genes and alleles and their quality
123                                          The naming of these HLA genes and alleles and their quality
124                                          The naming of these HLA genes and alleles, and their quality
125    We propose "TMCO1 defect syndrome" as the name of this condition.
126                               We changed the name of this gene to xdhA.
127 ation was significantly greater during color naming of threat words than during color naming of neutr
128 ndation "to assume the design stance" in the name of understanding works of art blurs that distinctio
129 of two cases of selectively impaired written naming of verbs after focal brain ischemia, we combined
130 ologue of prokaryotic AhpC and justifies its name of yeast alkyl hydroperoxide reductase.

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