


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iculum and CA1 eliminated afterdischarges in subicular and CA1 events, but did not de-synchronize the
2 rve to maintain a level of depolarization in subicular and CA1 pyramidal neurons well beyond the dura
3                        Activity from ventral subicular and hippocampal CA1 neurons was recorded in ra
4            Spine density and arborization of subicular apical dendrites were significantly related to
5 od disorders and structural abnormalities of subicular apical dendrites.
6     Primary motor, primary somatosensory and subicular areas barely send projections to either ipsi-
7 coordination of activity between the CA1 and subicular areas during network oscillations.
8 to implicate Cav3.1-containing T-channels in subicular burst firing, in contrast to several previous
9                Intracellular recordings from subicular bursting and non-bursting cell types and field
10 anus-induced long-term potentiation (LTP) in subicular bursting neurons, but not in subicular regular
11 entata (FD) and hilar region from the CA and subicular cell fields of the rat and conducted in vitro
12                                              Subicular cell patterns during exposure to the large squ
13 number of NMDA receptors in the CA1, CA3 and subicular cell regions of the hippocampus, but not in th
14 aptic potentials (EPSPs) were evoked in both subicular cell types in response to single entorhinal, p
15 n of 5-HT induced in 76% of the investigated subicular cells a hyperpolarization and a reduction of m
16                                        Thus, subicular cells can change the size of their spatial pat
17                  These findings suggest that subicular cells may receive converging input from severa
18 vironment-specific spatial patterns, whereas subicular cells show the same pattern in each environmen
19 We found a substantial transformation in the subicular code for space from sparse to dense firing rat
20 ing was examined in the hippocampus (HC) and subicular complex (SC).
21 CA3, the hilus of the dentate gyrus, and the subicular complex of the hippocampal formation; in the p
22 campal region (CA fields, dentate gyrus, and subicular complex) and the adjacent perirhinal, entorhin
23 l formation (dentate gyrus, hippocampus, and subicular complex).
24                                          The subicular complex, including the prosubiculum (ProS), su
25 discuss equivalencies and extent of the five subicular components in human, monkey, and rodent based
26  improve our understanding of reciprocal CA1-subicular connections and guide future studies on how th
27                Major connections of the five subicular cortices are also summarized based on unified
28               In rodent, most of the typical subicular cortices are located in the dorsal and caudal
29                                     All five subicular cortices exist in human, monkey, and rodent.
30 n prefrontal, somatosensory, entorhinal, and subicular cortices into synchronous transitions between
31 o compare the morphologic characteristics of subicular dendrites in subjects with schizophrenia (n =
32 gnostic group on Sholl analysis of nonapical subicular dendrites nor on Sholl analysis of dendrites o
33 mine the long-term effects of amphetamine on subicular excitability.
34                                 Amygdala and subicular (hippocampal) projections overlapped most comp
35             These data strongly suggest that subicular inhibitory neurons receive excitatory input fr
36 arly C99 production occurs mainly in the CA1/subicular interchange area of the hippocampus correspond
37  support previous work demonstrating altered subicular MAP2 expression in schizophrenia and indicate
38 s hypothesis with a computational model of a subicular network with realistic connectivity.
39 or high-voltage-activated Ca(2+) channels in subicular neuron bursting.
40 counting T-channels as major contributors to subicular neuron physiology.
41 rent idiosyncrasies by which hippocampal and subicular neurons encoded information and became errors
42                Since in approximately 25% of subicular neurons EPSPs and slow IPSPs were reduced with
43 c diseases, we have also characterized Ih in subicular neurons from rats that have been housed in ind
44 ons exhibited place fields, although ventral subicular neurons had larger fields than hippocampal cel
45  excitatory drive to the hippocampal CA1 and subicular neurons in chronic epilepsy.
46 mbrane properties and EPSP/IPSP responses of subicular neurons in rat combined hippocampal-entorhinal
47                                  Encoding by subicular neurons in the task was normally accurate and
48 l cortex and CA1 converge onto single dorsal subicular neurons in vivo.
49 istinction between bursting and non-bursting subicular neurons is a dichotomy and cells do not change
50 ramidal and multipolar cells and that single subicular neurons receive convergent inputs from CA1 and
51 that excitability and synaptic plasticity of subicular neurons relies heavily on T-channels.
52 tal portion of the parasubiculum, and distal subicular neurons target the proximal most portion of pa
53   The dendritic and axonal morphology of rat subicular neurons was studied in single cells labeled wi
54                            Some non-bursting subicular neurons were antidromically activated by stimu
55 pite the disparate firing rate properties of subicular neurons, we found that neurons at all proximal
56 n, so we examined the firing patterns of rat subicular neurons.
57 at this connection may involve only bursting subicular neurons.
58                                          The subicular-parahippocampal projection has been proposed a
59  signal was found in a network of entorhinal/subicular, posterior and medial parietal, lateral tempor
60   We conclude that both IB and RS classes of subicular principal cells make synaptic contacts in and
61  there was both a rich local axon in CA1 and subicular-projecting branches.
62                                              Subicular projection neurons are themselves classifiable
63 al evidence for the presence of noncanonical subicular projections to CA1.
64 citation-inhibition sequences can be seen in subicular pyramidal and multipolar cells and that single
65            While these findings suggest that subicular pyramidal cell dendrites may be structurally a
66 nd ventral levels, NADPH-diaphorase-positive subicular pyramidal cells and CA1 nonpyramidal cells als
67 utes to the observed functional diversity of subicular pyramidal cells during sharp-wave associated r
68                                              Subicular pyramidal cells have been classified as bursti
69         Spine density on apical dendrites of subicular pyramidal cells was determined at a fixed dist
70                                              Subicular pyramidal cells were also found to contain NOS
71                       We tested this idea in subicular pyramidal neurons by using patch-clamp recordi
72                                A majority of subicular pyramidal neurons communicate via bursts of ac
73                                              Subicular pyramidal neurons exhibit low-threshold burst
74                 Axons of neurobiotin-labeled subicular pyramidal neurons were visualized in the apica
75 les and decreased dendritic spine density on subicular pyramidal neurons.
76 hat a Ca(2+) tail current drives bursting in subicular pyramidal neurons.
77 his geocentric information in the entorhinal/subicular region and egocentric direction information in
78 ese data and found that the human entorhinal/subicular region contains a neural representation of int
79  to faces and objects, recruits the anterior subicular region of the hippocampus, regardless of wheth
80 te binding were observed in the CA1 field or subicular region.
81 not label cells in the CA3, dentate gyrus or subicular regions of the hippocampus or in layer 4 of th
82 way linking the dentate gyrus to the CA1 and subicular regions through the hippocampal fissure.
83 jections across the fissure into the CA1 and subicular regions.
84 P) in subicular bursting neurons, but not in subicular regular firing cells.
85                                              Subicular responses to CA1 stimulation consisted of exci
86 o acid injections into CA1, prosubicular, or subicular subfields produced anterograde label over part
87 rips of neurons in adjacent prosubicular and subicular subfields.
88 ffects of neurotoxic or electrolytic ventral subicular (vSUB) lesions on the acquisition and expressi

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