


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e spots, which were classically described as subretinal.
2                            The margin of the subretinal abscess became firm and the central area reso
3                                              Subretinal abscess is an extremely rare presentation of
4 in this case demonstrated if the size of the subretinal abscess is smaller than four disc areas, pars
5           With obvious vitritis, a localized subretinal abscess was also found over temporal arcade w
6  of metastatic endophthalmitis combined with subretinal abscess with successful visual outcome after
7 idelines of endophthalmitis complicated with subretinal abscess.
8 etion protected the mice from the pathogenic subretinal accumulation of mononuclear phagocytes (MP) t
9 icient mice develop age- and stress- related subretinal accumulation of MPs, which is associated with
10             The pseudodrusen correlated with subretinal accumulations of material in SD-OCT imaging a
11 nt internal reflectivity and the presence of subretinal and intraretinal fluid.
12 ibed, poorly circumscribed), and presence of subretinal and intraretinal fluid.
13 ation of CD47 accelerated resolution of both subretinal and peritoneal inflammation, with implication
14 graphy, 83% had fluid (61% intraretinal, 38% subretinal, and 36% sub-retinal pigment epithelium).
15 erence tomography (presence of intraretinal, subretinal, and subretinal pigment epithelium fluid; thi
16 ts at higher risk of spontaneous retinal and subretinal bleeding.
17 etinography and microperimetry indicate that subretinal brilliant blue G might cause focal macular da
18 ents with GA and show their association with subretinal CD14(+)mononuclear phagocyte (MP) infiltratio
19 orse than -6.0 diopters with the presence of subretinal/choroidal neovascularization as indicated by
20 c CNV was defined as HM with the presence of subretinal/choroidal neovascularization indicated by the
21 e spots (n = 11), cystoid edema (n = 5), and subretinal cleft (n = 6).
22                                              Subretinal cleft specifically occurred at the site of ab
23 eceptors, occasionally with a characteristic subretinal cleft.
24 reduced visual acuity and bilateral diffuse, subretinal, confluent, placoid, and multifocal chorioret
25 tudy, we evaluated the epigenetic changes of subretinal delivering NP-cDNA vs. NP-sgRho in the RKO mo
26                                              Subretinal delivery of AAV serotype 2 (AAV2) and its hep
27                                              Subretinal delivery of AAV5-IRBP/GNAT2-DIO3, which direc
28 he activity of the protective axis of RAS by subretinal delivery of an AAV8 (Y733F)-ACE2 vector would
29                                              Subretinal delivery of EIAV-CMV-MYO7A (UshStat) rescues
30                                              Subretinal delivery of rAAV.sFLT-1 was well tolerated an
31 ssed long-term functional outcomes following subretinal delivery of the human melanopsin gene (OPN4)
32 ty studies in the macaques demonstrated that subretinal delivery of UshStat is safe and well-tolerate
33                                          The subretinal delivery procedure in this study was associat
34 e pseudodrusen in these eyes correlated with subretinal deposition of material in multiple imaging mo
35 se presented with acquired macular yellowish subretinal deposits on funduscopic examination that corr
36                             They appeared as subretinal deposits on SD OCT imaging.
37 uorescent on fundus autofluorescence, and as subretinal deposits on spectral-domain optical coherence
38             Reticular pseudodrusen represent subretinal deposits that extend through the outer nuclea
39 ous therapeutic methods on the resolution of subretinal deposits.
40 bility of and clinical response to a single, subretinal dose of human umbilical tissue-derived cells
41 ion, eyes were assigned to receive a single, subretinal dose of palucorcel (ranging from 6.0 x 10(4)
42 D, which is characterized by accumulation of subretinal drusen deposits and complement-driven inflamm
43                              In 19 eyes with subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD) vs 47 eyes without S
44 l vascular features of eyes with and without subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDD), using swept-source
45 ility to detect reticular pseudodrusen (RPD)/subretinal drusenoid deposits (SDDs) using 12x12-mm wide
46 re was the likelihood of association between subretinal drusenoid deposits and large choroidal vessel
47 nstrate that there is no concordance between subretinal drusenoid deposits and large choroidal vessel
48 ctivity was qualitatively reduced by stage 1 subretinal drusenoid deposits and was greatly reduced by
49 s a consequence, hypotheses postulating that subretinal drusenoid deposits are associated with large
50                                              Subretinal drusenoid deposits are present in approximate
51              AOSLO and multimodal imaging of subretinal drusenoid deposits indicate solid, space-fill
52  proportion of geometric probes intersecting subretinal drusenoid deposits to be 0.28, large choroida
53                                          The subretinal drusenoid deposits were associated with neith
54                                              Subretinal drusenoid deposits were classified by a 3-sta
55                                              Subretinal drusenoid deposits were considered present at
56                                              Subretinal drusenoid deposits were found in 26 eyes of 1
57 T1 in humans may underlie the development of subretinal drusenoid deposits, a hallmark of age-related
58  followed by choroid thickness in absence of subretinal drusenoid deposits, photoreceptor outer segme
59 vessel volume are reduced in the presence of subretinal drusenoid deposits.
60                                      Yet, no subretinal electrical or chemical stimulation study has
61    However, the role of alphaB-crystallin in subretinal EMT and fibrosis is unknown.
62  features included subretinal fluid (n = 6), subretinal exudation (n = 6), epiretinal membrane (n = 3
63                            Retinal folds and subretinal fibrin were identified in a greater proportio
64 T-cells was reduced in nAMD patients without subretinal fibrosis (P = 0.026) compared to patients wit
65             Herein, we showed attenuation of subretinal fibrosis after regression of laser-induced ch
66  potential therapeutic target for preventing subretinal fibrosis development in neovascular age-relat
67 ) T-cells are associated with the absence of subretinal fibrosis in nAMD.
68                                              Subretinal fibrosis is an end stage of neovascular age-r
69                                              Subretinal fibrosis showed limited flow in residual larg
70 es in the biweekly induction group developed subretinal fibrosis vs no eyes in the other 2 groups (P
71   There is also the potential development of subretinal fibrosis with biweekly induction.
72 tinal fluid, macula thickness, macular scar, subretinal fibrosis).
73 or without subretinal material suggestive of subretinal fibrosis.
74 brosis (P = 0.026) compared to patients with subretinal fibrosis.
75 phaB-crystallin was prominently expressed in subretinal fibrotic lesions in mice.
76 r with a Type 3 regression pattern, pre- and subretinal fibrovascular tissue consistent with PVR, and
77 ess on B-scan ultrasonography (63% vs. 84%), subretinal fluid (58% vs. 90%), and orange pigment (50%
78 38%) configuration, and displayed associated subretinal fluid (85%).
79 , 2.4; CI, 1.7-3.6) versus </=75 mum, foveal subretinal fluid (aHR, 1.5; CI, 1.1-2.0) versus no subre
80 orrhage (n = 2), retinal hemorrhage (n = 4), subretinal fluid (n = 4), and/or intraretinal exudation
81                 OCT characteristics included subretinal fluid (n = 5), intraretinal fluid and cysts (
82 pigment epithelial alterations (n = 9; 53%), subretinal fluid (n = 5; 29%), and orange pigment (n = 3
83                 Associated features included subretinal fluid (n = 6), subretinal exudation (n = 6),
84                    Related features included subretinal fluid (n = 9; 19%), cystoid retinal edema (n
85                              The presence of subretinal fluid (odds ratio [OR], 1.98; 95% confidence
86 y (BCVA) at baseline (P = .001), presence of subretinal fluid (P = .001), and retinal angiomatous pro
87  increasing tumor thickness (P = 0.010), and subretinal fluid (P = 0.001).
88 = 0.005), -0.200 (-1.20, 0.60) in cases with subretinal fluid (p = 0.207), 0.000 (-0.60, 0.30) in pig
89 ween the tumor and the optic disc (P=0.026), subretinal fluid (P=0.035), thickness of residual tumor
90 ee eyes with a closed hole showed persistent subretinal fluid (SRF) after gas absorption.
91 orrected visual acuity (BCVA), resolution of subretinal fluid (SRF) demonstrated by optical coherence
92            Hyper-AF corresponded to areas of subretinal fluid (SRF) on spectral-domain OCT and was fo
93                                      On OCT, subretinal fluid (SRF) was detected in 77% of CM patient
94 uantify intraretinal cystoid fluid (IRC) and subretinal fluid (SRF) was developed.
95 resence of intraretinal cystoid fluid (IRC), subretinal fluid (SRF), and pigment epithelial detachmen
96 ed OCT, including intraretinal cysts (IRCs), subretinal fluid (SRF), and pigment epithelial detachmen
97  changes, such as intraretinal cysts (IRCs), subretinal fluid (SRF), and pigment epithelial detachmen
98 ns for presence of intraretinal fluid (IRF), subretinal fluid (SRF), and sub-retinal pigment epitheli
99 wth of RPE/drusenoid material and persistent subretinal fluid (SRF), but also a RPE-independent visua
100 s included intraretinal cystoid fluid (IRC), subretinal fluid (SRF), pigment epithelial detachment, a
101        At 2 years, intraretinal fluid (IRF), subretinal fluid (SRF), sub-retinal pigment epithelium (
102  smaller area of occult CNV, and presence of subretinal fluid (SRF).
103 a vitrectomy alone with complete drainage of subretinal fluid achieves a high reattachment rate in th
104 t reproducibility, particularly in eyes with subretinal fluid and greater choroidal thickness.
105 njection due to the presence of intraretinal/subretinal fluid and pigment epithelial detachment (PED)
106 ing vitreous seed regression were absence of subretinal fluid and subretinal seeds.
107 solved after delivery with regression of the subretinal fluid and the disappearance of subfoveal exud
108 ness (CMT), and the presence of intraretinal/subretinal fluid and the height and presence of PED were
109 raster scans were evaluated for intraretinal/subretinal fluid and, when applicable, vitreomacular tra
110 out persistent fluid (cystic intraretinal or subretinal fluid at all 4 initial visits).
111    In 11 of 19 patients with intraretinal or subretinal fluid at baseline judged to be reversible, si
112 for creation of a permanent intraretinal and subretinal fluid barrier.
113  a shallow decline in acuity with increasing subretinal fluid but a much steeper decline with equival
114 s causes of retinal fluid, but was worst for subretinal fluid compared to intraretinal or sub-retinal
115 b-treated eyes had resolved intraretinal and subretinal fluid compared with aflibercept-treated eyes.
116 /= 20/40) except in a single patient in whom subretinal fluid developed under the fovea.
117 d to the area with neovascularization and no subretinal fluid drainage was performed.
118 half-dose group had at least 1 recurrence of subretinal fluid during the follow-up.
119                                          The subretinal fluid foci associated with MEK inhibitors hav
120                             The mean maximum subretinal fluid height decreased from 126.6 mum at enro
121          Central subfield thickness, maximum subretinal fluid height, and maximum pigment epithelial
122                           Changes in maximum subretinal fluid height, maximum pigment epithelial deta
123 ol may reduce central subfield thickness and subretinal fluid in eyes with persistent exudation despi
124 , controversy exists regarding the source of subretinal fluid in these cases.
125 asing subretinal hyperreflective material or subretinal fluid in this circumstance reduces vision fur
126 rs (68.5% vs. 55.3%; P = 0.003), and to have subretinal fluid on OCT (86.7% vs. 81.0%; P = 0.047).
127        Median time to complete resolution of subretinal fluid on OCT was 3.7 weeks (range, 2-12 weeks
128 al foveal thickness (CFT), and resolution of subretinal fluid on optical coherence tomography at 1 an
129 indication was recurrence of intraretinal or subretinal fluid or new hemorrhage.
130 reatment criteria relying on intraretinal or subretinal fluid or new hemorrhages may be expanded to i
131                         The mean time of the subretinal fluid resolution was significantly shorter in
132 t observed in the contralateral eye or after subretinal fluid resolution.
133                                              Subretinal fluid resolved in 13/18 eyes (72 %), and subr
134                                              Subretinal fluid resolved in 70% of pooled aflibercept-t
135                                              Subretinal fluid resolved in 81% by the last post-PDT vi
136 acteristics and variations in a patient with subretinal fluid secondary to a carotid cavernous fistul
137 of the left eye showed a geographic patch of subretinal fluid temporal to the macula that was associa
138 .49; 95% CI, 0.29-0.82), OCT measurements of subretinal fluid thickness of >25 mu (aHR, 0.52; 95% CI,
139       At 12 months, a complete resolution of subretinal fluid was achieved in 26 half-fluence-treated
140                                              Subretinal fluid was associated with better VA.
141  successfully re-attached surgically and the subretinal fluid was gradually absorbed within three mon
142          At 1 month a complete resolution of subretinal fluid was observed in 19 half-fluence-treated
143  revealed a thicker choroidal thickness when subretinal fluid was present as compared to that observe
144                                              Subretinal fluid was present in 71% of patients, and PVD
145 er subretinal tissue complex and presence of subretinal fluid were associated with less GA developmen
146 t or multiple recurrences of intraretinal or subretinal fluid while receiving monthly bevacizumab or
147                    EDI-OCT disclosed macular subretinal fluid with an increase of choroidal thickness
148 istent fluid by fluid type (intraretinal and subretinal fluid).
149 ad well-circumscribed vessels, 86% (6/7) had subretinal fluid, and 14% (1/7) had intraretinal fluid.
150                Poorly circumscribed vessels, subretinal fluid, and intraretinal fluid each were seen
151 cysts, epiretinal membranes, microaneurysms, subretinal fluid, and outer layer disruption/reflectivit
152 with gradual resolution of intraretinal- and subretinal fluid, and remained stable in 12 months.
153 ponse depended on baseline BCVA, presence of subretinal fluid, and retinal angiomatous proliferation,
154 scan for the presence of intraretinal fluid, subretinal fluid, and sub-retinal pigment epithelium flu
155 inal fluid (aHR, 1.5; CI, 1.1-2.0) versus no subretinal fluid, and subretinal hyperreflective materia
156 hickness at the foveal center of the retina, subretinal fluid, and subretinal tissue complex), visual
157 3 %) pigment epithelial detachment, 6 (55 %) subretinal fluid, in 29 (39 %) eyes regardless of the le
158 depigmentation area, subretinal haemorrhage, subretinal fluid, macula thickness, macular scar, subret
159 e impact on acuity of defined OCT changes in subretinal fluid, subretinal hyperreflective material, a
160 T), as well as associated features including subretinal fluid, were recorded before PDT and during fo
161 underwent PPV alone and complete drainage of subretinal fluid, with air, 20% sulfur hexafluoride (SF6
162 teen tumors (86%) had complete resolution of subretinal fluid.
163 he optic disc pit and evaluate the source of subretinal fluid.
164 re used to evaluate MEK inhibitor-associated subretinal fluid.
165 esis of cerebrospinal fluid as the source of subretinal fluid.
166  with the presence of previous or persistent subretinal fluid.
167 antly associated with previous or persistent subretinal fluid.
168 amcinolone acetonide, with resolution of the subretinal fluid.
169 etached than when only 1 quadrant (0.8%) had subretinal fluid.
170 were bilateral retinoblastoma and absence of subretinal fluid.
171 ated with signs of active myopic CNV (either subretinal fluid/intraretinal cysts on SD OCT or dye lea
172 nts aged 23 to 71 years underwent unilateral subretinal gene therapy for genetically confirmed choroi
173 ate that the optimal intervention window for subretinal gene therapy is within the first 2 to 3 decad
174 e-related adverse events (subconjunctival or subretinal haemorrhage and mild cell debris in the anter
175 fects/pigment mottling, depigmentation area, subretinal haemorrhage, subretinal fluid, macula thickne
176  1.48; P = 0.01), but not size of retinal or subretinal hemorrhage (P = 0.41).
177      Four of the 6 false negatives had large subretinal hemorrhage (SRH) and sensitivity improved to
178 aphs for the presence and size of retinal or subretinal hemorrhage at baseline and years 1 and 2.
179 able photographs, 724 (62.1%) had retinal or subretinal hemorrhage at baseline; 84.4% of hemorrhages
180  of 1078 participants (4.08%) had retinal or subretinal hemorrhage detected on 1- or 2-year photograp
181 nal fluid resolved in 13/18 eyes (72 %), and subretinal hemorrhage resolved in 6/8 eyes (75 %) respec
182 ) retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) tear, (3) subretinal hemorrhage, (4) foveal scar tissue of recent
183 ncluded stabilization of vision, presence of subretinal hemorrhage, serous detachment, retinal pigmen
184  network patterns that were less obscured by subretinal hemorrhage.
185                        One eye had scattered subretinal hemorrhages external to the macula.
186                              Most retinal or subretinal hemorrhages in eyes enrolled in CATT were les
187 etinal detachment, extending inferiorly, and subretinal hemorrhages.
188                            The presence of a subretinal hyperreflective exudation on SD OCT could hel
189 ighly myopic patients with CNV and showing a subretinal hyperreflective exudation on SD OCT were incl
190  mean number of injections 1.8 +/- 0.6), the subretinal hyperreflective exudation regressed completel
191                                         Mean subretinal hyperreflective exudation thickness, mean ret
192 re and after anti-VEGF therapy, based on the subretinal hyperreflective exudation thickness, retinal
193                                          The subretinal hyperreflective exudation was an SD OCT findi
194                             Intraretinal and subretinal hyperreflective foci as seen on SD OCT correl
195 traretinal fluid (82.5% vs 51.0%, P < .001), subretinal hyperreflective material (84.5% vs 44.2%, P <
196 ), intraretinal fluid and cysts (n = 1), and subretinal hyperreflective material (n = 7).
197 CI, 1.1-2.0) versus no subretinal fluid, and subretinal hyperreflective material (SHRM) (aHR, 1.7; CI
198                                 The range of subretinal hyperreflective material (SHRM) seen in macul
199            Foveal choroidal thickness (FCT), subretinal hyperreflective material (SHRM), and pigment
200 sions on fundus autofluorescence imaging and subretinal hyperreflective material on spectral-domain o
201                                   Increasing subretinal hyperreflective material or subretinal fluid
202                                              Subretinal hyperreflective material resulting from acqui
203  of defined OCT changes in subretinal fluid, subretinal hyperreflective material, and loss of externa
204 h steeper decline with equivalent increasing subretinal hyperreflective material.
205 -1beta receptor preserved choroid, decreased subretinal hypoxia, and prevented RPE/photoreceptor deat
206                                The Alpha AMS subretinal implant improved visual performance in 5 of 6
207                          We demonstrate that subretinal implants with 70-mum-wide photovoltaic pixels
208             In the context of APOE-dependent subretinal inflammation in Cx3cr1(GFP/GFP) mice, the APO
209              Our study shows that pathogenic subretinal inflammation is APOE isoform-dependent and pr
210 retina coculture system and in light-induced subretinal inflammation of Cx3cr1-deficient mice in vivo
211 aytime vision in conditions characterized by subretinal inflammation, such as AMD and RP.
212  cytokine induction inhibited the pathogenic subretinal inflammation.
213 s, retinal functional deficits, and signs of subretinal inflammation.
214  lacking heparin binding transduce retina by subretinal injection and display a remarkable ability to
215          To assess the safety of rAAV.sFlt-1 subretinal injection in neovascular age-related macular
216 n a phase 1 clinical trial received a second subretinal injection in their contralateral eye in a fol
217                     Treatment consisted of a subretinal injection of 0.1 mL of a gene therapy solutio
218                  Intervention was bilateral, subretinal injection of 1.5 x 10(11) vector genomes of v
219 dose-escalation study involving a unilateral subretinal injection of a recombinant adeno-associated v
220                                    Following subretinal injection of an adeno-associated virus (AAV)
221                                              Subretinal injection of rAAV.sFLT-1 was highly reproduci
222                          Patients received a subretinal injection of rAAV2-CB-hRPE65 in the poorer-se
223                                              Subretinal injection with pars plana vitrectomy was well
224  (1 x 10(11) vector genomes) rAAV.sFLT-1 via subretinal injection.
225 e-related macular degeneration with a single subretinal injection.
226 aled the efficacy and durability of a 1-time subretinal injection.
227 mutations, 1.71-4.58 years after the initial subretinal injection.
228                       All patients tolerated subretinal injections and there were no treatment-relate
229 , long-term results in patients treated with subretinal injections for Leber congenital amaurosis hav
230                                              Subretinal injections of EIAV-CMV-GFP, EIAV-RK-GFP (phot
231 133 scans), 7 25-line raster scans confirmed subretinal/intraretinal fluid not identified by the 6-li
232                        Gray hyper-reflective subretinal lesion characteristics were analyzed before a
233                        Gray hyper-reflective subretinal lesion thickness was significantly reduced af
234  With SD OCT imaging, the cloudy vitelliform subretinal lesions appeared as hyperreflective debris ab
235  findings suggest that gray hyper-reflective subretinal lesions might be considered as a qualitative
236                                  These flat, subretinal lesions were located in the mid or far periph
237 cular edema (CME), intraretinal exudates and subretinal lipid aggregation, dry or edematous radial fo
238 lopathy appeared with hazy indistinct yellow subretinal material resembling the vitelliform lesions f
239 helium and ellipsoids zones, with or without subretinal material suggestive of subretinal fibrosis.
240  rate of increase in pure atrophic areas (no subretinal material) was 0.7 +/- 0.8 mm(2) per year, wit
241  approaches that disrupt the photoreceptors' subretinal microenvironment.
242   We previously demonstrated that pathogenic subretinal mononuclear phagocytes (MPs) accumulate in Cx
243 otected Cx3cr1(GFP/GFP) mice against harmful subretinal MP accumulation observed in Cx3cr1(GFP/GFP)TR
244                                   Inhibiting subretinal MP accumulation or Il-1beta might protect the
245            Our results strongly suggest that subretinal MP accumulation participates in the observed
246 of APOE, interleukin-6, and CCL2 and develop subretinal MP accumulation, photoreceptor degeneration,
247                                              Subretinal neovascularization originated from the retina
248 ficient (Vldlr (-/-) ) mice with spontaneous subretinal neovascularization, whereas a RORalpha agonis
249 ression of VEGF in the retina of mice causes subretinal neovascularization.
250              Both eyes showed improvement in subretinal or intraretinal fluid on OCT.
251 s currently in human clinical trials rely on subretinal or intravitreal injections of adeno-associate
252  corticosteroid exposure, or fluid location (subretinal or pigment epithelial detachment; all P > 0.0
253 n, and in 2 patients flow was limited to the subretinal or sub-retinal pigment epithelial space.
254 y (presence of intraretinal, subretinal, and subretinal pigment epithelium fluid; thickness at the fo
255                                          The subretinal pigment epithelium lesion underlying PED appe
256 2%) of 18 patients had patches of increasing subretinal pigmentation consistent with transplanted ret
257 ture development of a neurotransmitter-based subretinal prosthesis offering more naturalistic vision
258 a suggest that melanopsin gene therapy via a subretinal route may be a viable and stable therapeutic
259 (6%), a choroidal neovascularization-related subretinal scar in 3 (19%), and loss of ellipsoid zone a
260 choroidal or retinal tumor, vitreous seed or subretinal seed, or extrascleral extension.
261    The solid intraretinal retinoblastoma and subretinal seeds showed regression in all eyes following
262  therapy for recurrent solid retinoblastoma, subretinal seeds, and vitreous seeds.
263 ression were absence of subretinal fluid and subretinal seeds.
264 etinal circulation but involved not only the subretinal space but also could infiltrate the remaining
265 y transduce the retina when delivered to the subretinal space but show limited success when delivered
266 ted with brilliant blue G migration into the subretinal space during 2 years of follow-up.
267  the homeostatic elimination of MPs from the subretinal space mediated by thrombospsondin-1 (TSP-1) a
268 the CRRY coding sequence (AAV-CRRY) into the subretinal space of 4-wk-old Abca4(-/-) mice.
269  eGFP transgenic mice were injected into the subretinal space of LCA8-like model neonatal mice.
270 s membrane, loss of photoreceptors, cells in subretinal space, and a reduction of choroidal vessels.
271  proteins, atrophic cell extrusions into the subretinal space, and compensatory proliferation of peri
272           When cells were sequestered in the subretinal space, palucorcel was well tolerated and may
273 ion with appearance of Iba-1(+) cells in the subretinal space, severe photoreceptor cell death, and i
274 re brilliant blue G accidentally entered the subretinal space.
275 ration of microglia and macrophages into the subretinal space.
276 indicate solid, space-filling lesions in the subretinal space.
277  appearance of Cx3Cr1GFP(+) monocytes in the subretinal space.
278 he proliferation of vessels in the outer and subretinal spaces may be in part compensatory for poor r
279   Invasion by new vessels into the outer and subretinal spaces occurred subjacent to the regions show
280  deeper vascular invasion into the outer and subretinal spaces were optically dissected in en face im
281                                     Although subretinal (SR) AAV vector administration can transfect
282                                              Subretinal stimulation of the retina with neurotransmitt
283  rs3750846 SNP at the ARMS2/HTRA1 locus with subretinal/sub-retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) hemorrha
284 ion of the SNP at the ARMS2/HTRA1 locus with subretinal/sub-RPE hemorrhage and poorer visual acuity a
285                              Vitrectomy with subretinal t-PA injection and gas tamponade was found to
286 6), SRF (ICC = 0.88; 95% CI, 0.86-0.89), and subretinal tissue complex (ICC = 0.91; 95% CI, 0.89-0.92
287                                      Thicker subretinal tissue complex and presence of subretinal flu
288 rmally thin retina, greater thickness of the subretinal tissue complex on OCT, and subfoveal geograph
289 R, 2.4; CI, 1.7-3.6) versus <120 mum, foveal subretinal tissue complex thickness >275 mum (aHR, 2.4;
290 -retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) fluid, and subretinal tissue complex thickness decreased in all tre
291 ss of >25 mu (aHR, 0.52; 95% CI, 0.35-0.78), subretinal tissue complex thickness of >275 compared wit
292 med manual measurements of retinal, SRF, and subretinal tissue complex thicknesses at the foveal cent
293 +/-67 mum, SRF was Delta = 1.5+/-35 mum, and subretinal tissue complex was Delta = 5+/-86 mum.
294  center of the retina, subretinal fluid, and subretinal tissue complex), visual acuity, and age.
295                                     Finally, subretinal transplantation of 7KCh-exposed microglia pro
296 primary endpoints safety and tolerability of subretinal transplantation of hESC-derived retinal pigme
297 g photoreceptor replacement strategies using subretinal transplantation of photoreceptor precursor ce
298                      In the latter scenario, subretinal transplantation places donor cells beneath an
299  1 (sub-retinal pigment epithelium), type 2 (subretinal), type 3 (intraretinal), and mixed neovascula
300             Our study suggests that in BVMD, subretinal vitelliform material accumulation leads to a

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