


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 4-month-olds in municipalities with <90% MMR vaccination coverage.
2 race or ethnicity; and state-level varicella vaccination coverage.
3 ent and hygiene without a negative impact on vaccination coverage.
4  dependent on several factors including high vaccination coverage.
5 ntervention, measured hygiene indicators and vaccination coverage.
6 tion is high imitation behavior may decrease vaccination coverage.
7 anges in herd immunity due to an increase in vaccination coverage.
8 and epidemics, even in populations with high vaccination coverage.
9  2001 through 2008 because of sustained high vaccination coverage.
10 munogenicity that could facilitate increased vaccination coverage.
11 act network data were most effective at high vaccination coverage.
12 ethod of administration to improve influenza vaccination coverage.
13 d, and land area negatively associated, with vaccination coverage.
14 ut timeliness of vaccination than up-to-date vaccination coverage.
15 en subpopulations and that requires only low vaccination coverage.
16 ffected, or even increase, with the level of vaccination coverage.
17 hallenging in China despite its high overall vaccination coverage.
18 n reported in several countries despite high vaccination coverage.
19 re from Chernobyl, and low routine childhood vaccination coverage.
20 nsmission as long as they do not attain high vaccination coverage.
21  during the second year of life despite high vaccination coverage.
22 cs, clinical and laboratory evaluations, and vaccination coverage.
23  factors and to optimize childhood pertussis vaccination coverage.
24 ry 2005 to June 2011) periods, adjusting for vaccination coverage.
25 subsidy policy can in general lead to higher vaccination coverage.
26 ould continue to maintain high routine polio vaccination coverage.
27 hs, taking into account the current level of vaccination coverage.
28 r sample surveys were conducted to determine vaccination coverage achieved.
29    Review of the historical growth in annual vaccination coverage across countries and regions can be
30 by 10-year moving average of routine measles vaccination coverage (aMCV1).
31 he association between county-wide influenza vaccination coverage among 520 229 younger adults (aged
32                                              Vaccination coverage among adults aged >/=18 years incre
33                                              Vaccination coverage among adults under age 65 years inc
34 s highlights the need to improve hepatitis B vaccination coverage among at-risk adults.
35 ffective strategies to increase pneumococcal vaccination coverage among at-risk groups are needed.
36    Between 1997 and 2005, national varicella vaccination coverage among children 19-35 months of age
37                                     Improved vaccination coverage among IDUs has the potential to pre
38 nal tactics that have led to increased polio vaccination coverage among populations living in diverse
39  strategy for achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage among preschool- and school-aged ch
40  Factor Surveillance System, they considered vaccination coverage among those non-Hispanic Whites, no
41            Eliminating health disparities in vaccination coverage among various groups is a cornersto
42                         Increasing influenza vaccination coverage among young children and pregnant w
43 eliminated in the United States through high vaccination coverage and a public health system able to
44                                    Sustained vaccination coverage and clinical and environmental surv
45                                         High vaccination coverage and control measures likely limited
46 tation behavior and contact heterogeneity on vaccination coverage and disease dynamics.
47           The analysis used population-based vaccination coverage and disease incidence data to make
48 analysis was conducted with population-based vaccination coverage and disease incidence data.
49 has been proposed as one strategy to improve vaccination coverage and disease prevention.
50 ne the dose-response association between HPV vaccination coverage and each study effect measure.
51 the county was examined by comparing measles vaccination coverage and epidemiology before (1985-1987)
52                               Measurement of vaccination coverage and feedback to providers.
53 tween the estimates obtained for the current vaccination coverage and for a hypothetical scenario exc
54                        Despite high regional vaccination coverage and functioning surveillance, sever
55             Under base-case assumptions, 40% vaccination coverage and girls-only vaccination, the RRp
56 d the importance of spatial heterogeneity in vaccination coverage and human-mediated dog movements fo
57             Improvement in routine childhood vaccination coverage and implementation of mass adult va
58 sources, including personnel, for increasing vaccination coverage and improved performance monitoring
59 eve and sustain high routine measles-rubella vaccination coverage and maintain high-quality integrate
60 eted efforts are needed to improve influenza vaccination coverage and reduce disparities.
61 population immunity as estimated by national vaccination coverage and serologic surveys.
62 d findings was low, but increased with lower vaccination coverage and shorter vaccine protection (fro
63 veys, we determined the relationship between vaccination coverage and the probability of dying betwee
64 r baseline cross-reactive antibody, pandemic vaccination coverage and the sensitivity/specificity of
65    These restrictions could adversely impact vaccination coverage and thereby its health impact, part
66                      On the basis of current vaccination coverage and timing, rotavirus vaccination w
67 ation studies were conducted to estimate the vaccination coverage and to measure the impact of vaccin
68 on efforts include demonstration of the high vaccination coverage and, in turn, population immunity n
69 nce to improve measles surveillance, routine vaccination coverage, and outbreak investigation and res
70          PsA-TT implementation achieved high vaccination coverage, and results from studies conducted
71 onomic factors, demographic characteristics, vaccination coverage, and the estimated proportion of ch
72 comparing studies according to vaccine type, vaccination coverage, and years since implementation of
73 accinated children may occur in schools with vaccination coverage approaching 50%.
74 rculation in most of the world and imperfect vaccination coverage are resulting in immunity gaps and
75 ds used include house-to-house monitoring of vaccination coverage as a supervisory tool during both c
76                       In the future, further vaccination coverage, as well as improved influenza vacc
77                                 We estimated vaccination coverage at different ages, and delays in ad
78 on; the importance of accurate monitoring of vaccination coverage at local, state, and national level
79 man resources for health as a determinant of vaccination coverage at the population level has not bee
80 stically significant differences in rates of vaccination coverage between Whites and members of other
81         Sustained emphasis on improvement of vaccination coverage, birth hygiene, and surveillance, w
82 t of infection, imitation behavior increases vaccination coverage, but, surprisingly, also increases
83                                  We compared vaccination coverage by race/ethnicity within each age a
84 rict of Columbia (DC) and compared varicella vaccination coverage by state to year of implementation
85 lts highlight important gaps in yellow fever vaccination coverage, can contribute to improved quantif
86 these trends were compared to changes in HPV vaccination coverage, cervical cancer screening, an ante
87  to consider possible explanations including vaccination coverage, changes in screening for cervical
88 ctly protected in the school with nearly 50% vaccination coverage compared with control schools (infl
89               Outcomes were assessed through vaccination coverage data and more qualitative measures.
90                           Seroprevalence and vaccination coverage data indicate high levels of popula
91                   This can be estimated from vaccination coverage data.
92 seroprevalence data from Belgium and Belgian vaccination coverage data.
93 ta from the most highly affected states, and vaccination-coverage data from three nationwide surveys.
94                                              Vaccination coverage decreased during 2006-11 in the Fed
95  that, under the partial-subsidy policy, the vaccination coverage depends monotonically on the sensit
96                                    Influenza vaccination coverage derived from data from the Centers
97 n on SIAs, measles surveillance, and routine vaccination coverage during 2000-2009.
98 data on national measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage during postelimination years 2001-2
99                                   To improve vaccination coverage estimates based on surveys, we reco
100                                   To provide vaccination coverage estimates for the 12-zone area, we
101 he post-Ebola virus disease outbreak period, vaccination coverage for polio, measles, and yellow feve
102 llingness to pay for life-years, the optimal vaccination coverage for Serengeti was 70%.
103 s study were to estimate global yellow fever vaccination coverage from 1970 through to 2016 at high s
104                         We reviewed national vaccination coverage from 1992 through 2008.
105 e found that a sustained decrease in measles vaccination coverage from 91.9% (2013 level) to 90.0% (2
106 Monte Carlo methods to estimate variation in vaccination coverage from children's vaccination histori
107  was calculated on the basis of estimates of vaccination coverage from data for non-polio acute flacc
108 n 2000 or earlier was associated with higher vaccination coverage (&gt; or =90%; P=.002).
109                                              Vaccination coverage (&gt;95%) and immunity (approximately
110 ated that children in clusters with complete vaccination coverage have a relative risk of mortality t
111 ehold surveys that are often used to measure vaccination coverage have invested substantial effort to
112 ntion were used to simulate county-level MMR vaccination coverage in children (age 2-11 years) in the
113 orkers can be a major constraining factor on vaccination coverage in developing countries.
114 ity was positively associated with childhood vaccination coverage in developing countries.
115 for self-administration can expand influenza vaccination coverage in developing countries.
116 ent study were to assess trends in influenza vaccination coverage in HIV-infected patients and to det
117                            Levels of measles-vaccination coverage in Indiana were 92 percent for pres
118                           The measurement of vaccination coverage in low- and middle-income countries
119 ent during vaccination campaigns and improve vaccination coverage in noncompliant communities.
120                        However, decreases in vaccination coverage in parts of Pakistan and southern A
121                                      Overall vaccination coverage in the population sampled was 89.7%
122                            Routine (keep-up) vaccination coverage in the Region increased from 80% in
123                           Although influenza vaccination coverage in this population has increased in
124  logistic regression models by comparing the vaccination coverage in those who tested positive for in
125 p and follow-up mass campaigns achieved high vaccination coverages in the respective targeted age gro
126                 Maintenance of high rates of vaccination coverage, including improved strategies of c
127                                     Regional vaccination coverage increased during the period 1987-20
128  vaccine was introduced in 1977, and measles vaccination coverage increased from <50% to >90% from 19
129                                              Vaccination coverage increased from 28.5% in the 1990 to
130                                              Vaccination coverage increased in urban areas.
131                                  Scale-up of vaccination coverage, innovations in scalable options fo
132 yping of viral isolates, surveys of rates of vaccination coverage, interviews regarding attitudes tow
133 ough (pertussis) in many countries with high vaccination coverage is alarming.
134                                              Vaccination coverage is an important public health indic
135 V infection is not well known, while the HPV vaccination coverage is low in the United States.
136 ead among all age groups of men, and the HPV vaccination coverage is low.
137 or one-sided interactions, sufficiently high vaccination coverage is necessary for mitigating the eff
138                   If routine measles-rubella vaccination coverage is suboptimal or if gaps in coverag
139                               Sustained high vaccination coverage is the key to preventing measles de
140  large outbreaks in the United States, where vaccination coverage is very high.
141 es vaccination campaign, maintenance of high vaccination coverage (keep-up), and periodic follow-up m
142 c was associated with important increases in vaccination coverage levels and a reduction in the propo
143       It is important to note that influenza vaccination coverage levels overall and in this populati
144  transmission intensity can be combined with vaccination coverage levels to evaluate the impact of pa
145 e also tested the effectiveness of different vaccination coverage levels.
146 asles and rubella; and measles-mumps-rubella vaccination coverage levels.
147        First, elimination requires very high vaccination-coverage levels by age 2 years.
148                     In countries with female vaccination coverage lower than 50%, significant reducti
149                                          The vaccination coverage necessary to reduce CRS depends on
150                         A marked increase in vaccination coverage occurred in Georgia public clinics
151 e predict that countries maintaining routine vaccination coverage of 80% or higher are can be confide
152                            Despite varicella vaccination coverage of 80%, a sizeable outbreak occurre
153 pite achieving and sustaining global measles vaccination coverage of about 80% over the past decade,
154                     In countries with female vaccination coverage of at least 50%, HPV type 16 and 18
155                                     In 1988, vaccination coverage of children 24 months of age in the
156  reflecting demographic contexts and measles vaccination coverage of four heterogeneous countries: Ne
157                                              Vaccination coverage of nomadic children 0-59 months of
158  Initiative partners, took steps to increase vaccination coverage of nomadic children with targeted p
159 the importance of maintaining high levels of vaccination coverage once the vaccine is introduced.
160 e heterogeneity in immunity, due to previous vaccination coverage or infection, may lead to potential
161                                      Measles vaccination coverage ranged between 75% and 99% in 2000
162                 Measles-mumps-rubella dose 1 vaccination coverage ranged from 97% to 99%.
163                                              Vaccination coverage ranging from 0% to 95% in increment
164 valence of genital HPV infection and the HPV vaccination coverage rate among adult men.
165 ovascular disease can help improve influenza vaccination coverage rates by providing and strongly rec
166                                    Childhood vaccination coverage rates for the basic vaccines from t
167                                              Vaccination coverage rates ranged between 41.9% for neon
168 be done by providers and parents to increase vaccination coverage rates to better protect children an
169 -specific diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussus vaccination coverage rates to estimate rotavirus vaccine
170 ay significantly underestimate the levels of vaccination coverage required to attain herd immunity.
171 HZ incidence did not vary by state varicella vaccination coverage (RR, 0.9998 [CI, 0.9993 to 1.0003])
172 ission model with realistic dog movement and vaccination coverage scenarios, assuming a basic reprodu
173 en November 1996 and June 1998, despite high vaccination coverage since the early 1980s.
174 overnmental incentives to achieve widespread vaccination coverage so as to prevent epidemic outbreak?
175 ied survival analysis methods to data from a vaccination coverage survey among children aged 13-59 mo
176 , since populations likely to be missed in a vaccination coverage survey are also likely to be missed
177 s not possible to maintain annual, intensive vaccination coverage, the duration and breadth of immuni
178                          With 80% girls-only vaccination coverage, the RRprev of HPV 16 among women a
179 stem utilization with influenza illness, and vaccination coverage through active community-based surv
180 ly heavily on achieving and maintaining high vaccination coverage through the routine immunization ac
181 ata with demographic information and tracked vaccination coverage through time to estimate the propor
182 nd emphasizes the importance of high measles vaccination coverage throughout the population.
183  all four OPVs in use and combined this with vaccination coverage to estimate the effect of the intro
184 tbreak underscores the need to maintain high vaccination coverage to prevent outbreaks, the need to m
185            This reinforces the need for high vaccination coverage to protect vaccinated individuals a
186  This reemphasizes the need for high measles vaccination coverage to support population-level immunit
187 y, we propose a design to estimate rotavirus vaccination coverage using controls from a rotavirus VE
188       We did sensitivity analyses by varying vaccination coverage, vaccine efficacy, and duration of
189          Currently, in communities with high vaccination coverage, varicella cases mostly occur in va
190                                              Vaccination coverage varied in a curvilinear fashion wit
191    We considered scenarios that achieved 80% vaccination coverage, various starts of vaccination prog
192 re hindered by challenges in sustaining high vaccination coverage, waning immunity in HIV-1-infected
193          Among vaccine-eligible men, the HPV vaccination coverage was 10.7% (95% CI, 7.8%-14.6%).
194 population density, forest cover and routine vaccination coverage were the strongest predictors of po
195 ng efforts to improve birth dose and newborn vaccination coverage, will be cost-saving and can genera
196                    Among those aged 2 years, vaccination coverage with > or =1 dose increased from 75
197                  Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccination coverage with at least a single dose was est
198  poliovirus eradication efforts include high vaccination coverage with live oral polio vaccine (OPV),
199 PV type 1 (WPV1) in April 2013, despite high vaccination coverage with only inactivated poliovirus va
200 it is necessary to achieve and maintain high vaccination coverage with three or more doses of diphthe
201  emphasis should be placed on achieving high vaccination coverage, with special efforts to vaccinate
202                         In 12 zones with low vaccination coverage within Kinshasa Province, Democrati
203                   It is important to improve vaccination coverage within the adolescent age group.
204                     At a national level, 46% vaccination coverage would result in an (R(0)) <1, which
205               However, after a period of low vaccination coverage, yellow fever has resurged in the c

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